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How To Get A Personal Loan Regardless Of Your Credit

If you have urgent needs or if there is something you want to buy and do not want to wait till you save enough money or if you’re planing to go on vacations and have been postponing the decision because of the lack of cash, you may want to consider applying for a personal loan.

Secured Or Unsecured

Personal loans are the fastest way to obtain that extra money that you need, but there are many things you will want to consider before making the decision of applying for a personal loan. Personal loans can be secured or unsecured. Secured personal loans require an asset in order to be put as collateral. This guarantee assures the lender that if you fail to meet the monthly payments he will be able to collect his money from the amount obtained from the sell of your property. Consequently, due to the reduced risk, you will be able to get a higher amount at lower rates with longer repayment periods.

Unsecured loans do not require collateral but, on the other hand and due to the higher risk involved for the lender, the interest rates are higher, the loan amounts smaller and the repayment period length shorter. This is due to the fact that there is no asset guaranteeing the loan, and thus, the lender is taking a bigger risk so he needs to cover himself from such a risk by increasing the interest rate charged and reducing his exposure by lowering the loan amount and shortening the loan’s length.

There are some tips that you should take into account before applying for a loan, these are essential if you want your lending experience to be safe and sound. Follow them carefully and you will be able to get approved without hassles for the best deal available on a personal loan.

Amount Of Money To Request

You should not apply for a loan amount higher than your financial needs, you may be tempted to increase the amount due to accessory and unnecessary desires but you should refrain from doing so as it will compromise your ability to repay. Even if your income would allow higher sums, make sure the loan amount is small enough so the monthly payments will not leave you without extra cash by the end of the month.

Amount Of Monthly Payments

Monthly payments should not exceed 10% of your overall monthly income. You must also consider which of your monthly expenditures are necessary and which you might be able to sacrifice if your income is reduced.


Make sure that your need for cash is critical; otherwise consider trying to save money so you do not need to apply for large amounts. Maybe you could even save enough to request only a small personal loan.

You should always do your research before choosing a lender, there are many online lenders that you can consult in order to request quotes and compare rates and other loan terms. Do not hesitate to ask questions, lenders are prepared to answer all kind of questions regarding your loan and you need to be informed before making a conscious decision.

Are you ready to be a homeowner?

There is certainly no doubt that everybody wants to own a home. To not have to pay rent, to have some equity, and, hopefully, to have something that actually builds value over time, perhaps providing you with a sufficient fund for when you reach retirement. Perhaps most importantly, however, is that it is a home that you own.

Home ownership is a dream for most people, there is no doubt about that. Today, that dream is more accessible to more people than it has typically been in the past. However, not everybody is ready to own a home.

There are a lot of things to consider before taking that first step towards home ownership. Buying a home can be a great experience, but it is always a large responsibility, so you really need to stop and consider whether or not it’s a responsibility that you’re willing to take on right now.

In an effort to help you reach that decision carefully, we’ll provide you with a simple checklist for the potential new home owner. Consider these to be some basic questions to ask yourself:

1. Am I ready and able to settle down?

“Settling down” might not mean “permanently”. It’s certainly possible to buy a home, sell it, and move within a few years time. However, you need to consider whether or not your lifestyle really accommodates home ownership. Do you spend most of the year travelling for work? If so, buying a home might not be top priority. Rather, it may be wiser to start saving and investing so that you can afford a home when you’re ready.

2. Do I want the added responsibility of paying off a mortgage?

To be perfectly frank, it is possible to arrange a mortgage deal that will have you paying less per month than many people pay simply to rent an apartment. However, the consequences for failing to make mortgage payments on a timely, regular basis can be more severe than the consequences for being late making rent on an apartment. Simply put, a home owner’s credit is on the line.

3. Can I afford a home?

The recession and the housing crisis have been difficult on everyone. If you are one of the many struggling to make ends meet, then we refer to point two: Taking out a mortgage will only compound your problems, not solve them.

We don’t mean to scare anyone away from pursuing the dream of buying their first home, we simply want to make clear the weight of the responsibilities home ownership carries.

All of this considered, if you are in fact ready to become a home owner, then by all means, do a little research and find a home loan deal that will work for you. Just bear in mind that the key word there is ‘research’. Once you’ve decided to become a home owner, you still have a number of decisions lying ahead of you, so make sure to educate yourself and make the choices that will help you achieve your goals.