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4 Top reasons why you should prefer 3 month loans over payday loans?

The concept of 3 month loans is slowly substituting payday loans. This article lists four prime reasons why one should prefer 3 month loans over payday loans for the knowledge of readers of this article.

Urgency of cash always drives people to the walls. In such times, normal tendency suggest that one should go for payday loans. However, opting for payday loans in such situations might not be the right decision in such situations. Hence, what to do then? In such cases, if better sense prevails, focus should be on finding a deal that gives ample chance to repay the loan but not without putting much stress on sources of income of the borrower. Obviously, finding a short-term alternative of this type isn’t that easy but then as the popular adage goes, ‘Where there is a Will there is a Way’.

3 months loans are known to be the best alternative to modern-day payday loans. Reason: There are plenty but few have been listed here.

Point No.1 – Longer Repayment Tenure

Yes! 3 month loans become an obvious choice for people who need an instant credit help but are not in shape to repay it back almost the same way. As the name suggests, the time-period offered is sufficient to repay any sort of short-term debt. Clearly, longer repayment tenure makes them the most sought-after loan product in the industry today.

Point No. 2 – Comparatively Low APR

Another place where 3 month loans earn brownie points is on APR front (also known as Annual Percentage Rate). Normally, as everyone knows, payday loans are secured against next month’s paycheck of the borrower. But even then the APR is on the higher side. However, in case of 3 month loans, APR is far more relaxed then its payday loan counterpart because of the time duration.

Point No. 3 – Larger amount can be quoted!

Under 3 month loans banner, one can quote a comparatively higher sum as loan amount than in case of payday loans.

Point No. 4 – Room for negotiation with lender!

In case if you have missed the deadline or you are set to miss the deadline of payment of instalment. 3 month loan give you an option to talk to your lender and explain things to him/her and ask for an extension. But remember, the decision to extend the deadlines or granting such favours rests with the lender only. Although the same chance is also available to lenders under payday loans but then you don’t have much time at your disposal to ask such things.

Meanwhile, the fourth point is applicable if the borrower wishes to seek waiver for certain fraction of interest or amount.

If one will gave a close look to these differences, he/she will surely be able to figure out why one should prefer 3 month loans over payday loans.

Commercial Finance- Hard Money (Page 1 of 3)

Commercial Finance- Hard Money explores the little known world of financing real estate and business accounts receivable with respect to situations that banks and other financial institutions typically avoid. The year 2008 will be known for difficult financial times for large institutions, businesses and individuals. Financing will be harder than ever to obtain.

The Merriam- Webster Online Dictionary defines hard as:

“1 a: not easily penetrated: not easily yielding to pressure b of cheese: not capable of being spread: very firm

2 a: of liquor (1): having a harsh or acid taste (2): strongly alcoholic b: characterized by the presence of salts (as of calcium or magnesium) that prevents lathering with soap

3 a: of or relating to radiation of relatively high penetrating power: having high energy b: having or producing relatively great photographic contrast

4 a: metallic as distinct from paper b: of currency: convertible into gold: stable in value c: usable as currency d: of currency: readily acceptable in international trade e: being high and firm

5 a: firmly and closely twisted b: having a smooth close napless finish

6 a: physically fit b: resistant to stress or disease c: free of weakness or defects

7 a (1): firm definite (2): not speculative or conjectural: factual (3): important or informative rather than sensational or entertaining b: close searching c: free from sentimentality or illusion: realistic d: lacking in responsiveness: obdurate unfeeling

8 a (1): difficult to bear or endure (2): oppressive inequitable b (1): lacking consideration, compassion, or gentleness : callous (2): incorrigible tough c (1): harsh, severe, or offensive in tendency or effect (2): resentful (3): strict unrelenting d: inclement e (1): intense in force, manner, or degree (2): demanding the exertion of energy : calling for stamina and endurance (3): performing or carrying on with great energy, intensity, or persistence f: most unyielding or thoroughgoing 9 a: characterized by sharp or harsh outline, rigid execution, and stiff drawing b: sharply defined: stark c: lacking in shading, delicacy, or resonance d: sounding as in arcing and geese respectively —used of c and g e: suggestive of toughness or insensitivity

10 a (1): difficult to accomplish or resolve: troublesome (2): difficult to comprehend or explain b: having difficulty in doing something c: difficult to magnetize or demagnetize

11: being at once addictive and gravely detrimental to health

12: resistant to biodegradation

13: being, schooled in, or using the methods of the natural sciences and especially of the physical sciences

14: of money: contributed (as by individuals or political action committees) directly to a particular candidate or campaign

Synonyms: hard difficult arduous mean demanding great exertion or effort. Hard implies the opposite of all that is easy . Difficult implies the presence of obstacles to be surmounted or puzzles to be resolved and suggests the need of skill, patience, or courage . Arduous stresses the need of laborious and persevering exertion .”