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Small Bad Credit Loans Can Aid Credit Recovery

Not only bad credit loans are the only source of funds that those with a poor credit score can count on, also, with the use of small bad credit loans it is possible to raise credit score and improve credit history. The process, as incredible as it may seem is rather simple and with a few months of bad credit loan repayments you can get your credit back on track.

Using bad credit loans for improving credit score and history has its benefits and its drawbacks too. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration before jumping in to request a bad credit loan. Specially, there are two issues that you should take special care of: Making sure it is a small amount loan and knowing for certain that you will be able to repay it on time.

The Small Amount Requirement

Most bad credit loans come in small amounts, however, even if you can get higher amount loans, it is imperative that you keep the amount small in order to succeed with this credit recovery program. Otherwise, a low income to debt ratio will affect your credit score negatively and you would be getting exactly the opposite results that you want.

Small loans can guarantee that you will not have difficulties in repaying the money owed and that your credit score will not be affected by the new debt you have incurred in. Moreover, the continued repayment of these loans will keep getting recorded into your credit report, improving your credit history and thus increasing your credit score.

Assured Repayment: The Income Requirement

As far as possible, the lender needs to know that you will be able to repay the loan. Thus, you will be required to show proof of a steady income and this implies that you will have to provide copies of paychecks, tax presentations, etc. This is a very important requirement since you are applying for a loan with bad credit and the lender is running a great risk.

Of course, the income needs to be good enough so you can afford the monthly payments without sacrifices even if unexpected expenses arise. Thus, some lenders fix the monthly payments at a 40% of the monthly available income of the applicant. Some lenders also require that you show that you have remained in the same job for at least one year. If you have changed jobs recently but within the same field, this requirement may be bypassed.

Where To Apply

The best way to find the right lender for applying is to do a quick search online. Just select your preferred search engine and seek bad credit loans. When asking for information to the different lenders you will be presented, remember to request only small amount loans as that’s what you are looking for and ignore other offers.

You can request loan quotes from different lenders and compare what each of them has to offer. After you have selected the loan and lender that best suits your needs, you just need to fill the online application and wait to be contacted by them. Remember to make sure you can afford the monthly payments so you do not miss an installment or pay late. Within a short period of time you will improve your credit score and history.

What Goes into Your Credit Score?

Credit scores can be computed using different credit scoring systems but the most widely used system today is the FICO score. Its formula was created by the Fair Isaac Corporation and is the one used today by many lenders, banks, financial organizations and the major credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, TransUnion.

The perfect FICO score is 850 and although achieving this number may seem unrealistic, getting a score ranging from 720 and above is already considered as good to excellent. However, a FICO score below 620 will put you in the category of a “high risk borrower”. Thus, it is recommended for everyone to be aware of the factors that make up their credit score.

Factors that Determine Your Credit Score Payment history. Your payment history comprises 35% of your total credit score. Here, how timely you are in submitting your payments, how long it takes you to pay your past due bills, how many times you were late or missed with your payments, and everything that has to do with your payment habits count.

Credit line usage. How you use your credit limit makes up the 30% of your credit score. The higher the usage of your credit limit, the lower your credit score is. Ideally, borrowers should not go beyond 30% of their available credit. If you own a low interest credit card, be careful not to maximize your credit line as this can damage your overall FICO score.

Length of credit history. 15% of your total FICO score is based on how long you have had credit. A longer record of credit history is of course more impressive especially if it shows timely payments all throughout. Be careful about closing your oldest accounts. Don’t close your oldest credit cards just because they have high rates. The trick is to use them only for small purchases and pay off your balance in full always to avoid the interest rate.

New credit. Opening too many different accounts at once or in short period can pull down your credit score. Why is this? This gives a negative impression to lenders on why you need to apply for too many credit in that short span of time. Having too many inquiries made by the lenders whom you submit application to will also affect your credit score. If you are in the habit of sending credit card applications just to get the free shirt or the free cap upon signing up, stop now. You’re doing damage to your credit and that’s not worth the freebie you’re getting. Remember, new credit makes up 10% of your total credit score.

Types of credit used. The types of credit found in your credit report make up the other last 10% of your score. Having a variation of accounts in your credit report is definitely a good thing. For instance, aside from credit card accounts, having a mortgage, an auto loan and other credit in your account shows your capability in how you handle your obligations as a borrower.