Tag Archives: search

Getting Your First Home Loan

If this is your first time buying a home, the process to get your first home loan to buy this property, can seem complicated. Your home loan specialist will help you search through all the different types of loans available so you can find the one the best fits your needs. They will also explain all the paperwork that is involved, let you know what kind of documents you will need to provide. Things like W2’s and pay stubs to show your employment, your id, Birth certificate to show citizenship. Your first home loan specialist will run a credit report to see your past credit history. Order an appraisal on the home you want to buy, this will show the lender that the property is worth the amount you are looking to borrow. Arrange for a Title company to do a search and make sure there are no unknown debts against the home. You will also need to get home owners insurance before you close the deal.Interest, fees, guidelines and requirements on loans change frequently, so you need a professional who is both knowledgeable and update on the industry. Buying home is a major one of the major decisions we make in life. Like marriage and having children, buying a home is a long term commitment. There are many rewards that come with owning your own home. After you receive your first home loan, you will have an education in the whole home buying process so if you decide to buy another home in the future you will know what to expect. At the closing you will sign all the paperwork and get the keys. Then comes the moving truck, unpacking and settling in. No worry it will take some time to get things put away and arranged the way you want that’s the fun part.It is important to keep all of your home buying and loan papers safe and handy, in case you need to refer to them at a later date. Yes you have learned a lot of new things, and meet some new people and you are now part of the American Dream of owning your own home with your first home loan.

Getting the Best Unsecured Loans

You might think that you can’t control what rates lenders will offer you, which is true to an extent, but there is actually a lot of things both small and large that you can do to improve your application and your search that will help you find the best unsecured loans offers.

The first thing you want to do, which may seem a little off course, is get a copy of your credit report. You can do this free online once a year. The report will not show you what your score is, but it will show you all the information used to calculate your score. First check this over for errors, such as closed accounts marked overdue or open, or your credit limit marked lower than what it really is. An important factor in your score is the credit available to you versus the amount you have used so you want this to be as high as possible. If you have any high card balances that you are able to pay down, do that! This will help your score greatly.

While your score is an important factor, there are still more things to consider. Have you lived at the same place, and had the same employer, for the last few years? This shows a lender that you are a stable customer and is something you’ll want to point out on your application. If you’ve had financial problems in the past caused by a specific factor that no longer exists, such as medical bills, student loans, or a divorce, you’ll also want to point this out. You don’t want to focus on this for too long, but a short two or three sentence explanation will help, lenders will take this into consideration.

When you go to start your loan search, whether you plan to use an online lender or a local lender, I recommend doing a brief internet search. I recommend looking at five sites and looking at their rates and their terms and conditions. This will give you an idea of what to expect while shopping around for the best offer. A lot of customers only look at the rates, which lenders know, so they often hide a lot of fees in their terms, so do make sure to read them over.

If you work on cleaning up your application to present yourself in the best light, and do a search through five lenders offers, you’ll be on your way to finding the best unsecured loan for your situation.